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Some "out of series" paintings created in 2011 (some 2012)

                                                                                                                                                   Click to Enlarge!

AW Art Antonio Wehrli Structurism Switzerland Artist Art China Art Chengdu Structurism Museum Gallery Künstler Kunst Gallerie Struktur AW Strukturen Structures structure thick dick Sichuan Schweiz AW Art Antonio Wehrli Structurism Switzerland Artist Art China Art ChengduStructurism Museum Gallery Künstler Kunst Gallerie Struktur Strukturen AW Structures structure thick dick Sichuan Schweiz AW Art Antonio Wehrli Structurism Switzerland Artist Art China Art Chengdu Structurism Museum Gallery Künstler Kunst Gallerie Struktur Strukturen Structures structure thick dick Sichuan Schweiz AW Art Antonio Wehrli Structurism Switzerland Artist Art China Art Chengdu Structurism Museum Gallery Künstler Kunst Gallerie Struktur AW Strukturen Structures structure thick dick Sichuan Schweiz

Water Series 2011 - 2012

The waves of blue and white are full of energy.
To look at those never ending mantras in form of waves gives an incredible pleasure to both body and soul.
Try to jump into those waves and have a swim with the mermaids.



This series compares the female body to the form of classical automobiles and shows the apparent influence of a slender figure in their design. This is what makes those cars so "sexy" to us.
The paintings remind on the dots of the Rorschach test.These forms of the cars like of the female body evoke strong stimuli in form of Beta waves in our brain.
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