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"Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden"
On Saturday, June 26, 2021 was the opening of "Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden" by Norwegian artist Lisa Eikrann at Antonio Wehrli Art...
Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden - Lisa Eikrann at Antonio Wehrli Art Space
On Saturday, June 26, 2021, the exhibition "Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden" by Norwegian artist Lisa Eikrann will open at Antonio Wehrli...
Inaugural Exhibition at Panda International Art Center Chengdu
A new museum, the Panda International Art Center in Chengdu opened on May 18 2021. The Research Center of Giant Panda Breeding was closed...
ZEITENWENDE - Solo Exhibition by Susanne Hauser
The next exhibition at Antonio Wehrli Art Space, Freibergstrasse 2 in Schwanden GL, Switzerland will be "ZEITENWENDE" by Swiss artist...
Transient Landart Gravity Elm - my first NFT
On March 2nd, I created my first land art, the "Transient Landart Gravity Elm", a transient land art made from snow. It was located at...
Life is Good (Plasma) - exhibition update
Yesterday was the opening of "Life is Good (Plasma)" by Swiss-Italian artist Marco Russo at Antonio Wehrli Art Space in Schwanden,...
Life is Good (Plasma) - Solo exhibition of Marco Russo at Antonio Wehrli Art Space
On march 20 will be the next exhibition at Antonio Wehrli Art Space in Schwanden, Glarus, Switzerland, "Life is good (Plasma)" by Swiss...
Happy New Year 2021!
2020 - a year of change is coming to an end. My life experienced more changes that I ever could have imagined. Instead of a brief...
Exhibition Opening of "ISOLATION" at Antonio Wehrli Art Space
Last Saturday was the exhibition opening of "ISOLATION", Solo-Exhibition of MARCK at Antonio Wehrli Art Space in Schwanden GL,...
ISOLATION - Solo Exhibition of MARCK at Antonio Wehrli Art Space
The next exhibition at Antonio Wehrli Art Space starts next Saturday, December 12, 2020. It is the Solo Exhibition "ISOLATION" by Swiss...
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